Who are you?
My name is Anita but I usually go by my nickname, Anne.  I'm a freelance writer and single-mom-of-two based out of the San Jose, CA area. 
What is your Paleo Diet like?
My diet is pretty simple - I eat protein, vegetables, fruit and fats, with very little processed foods, usually in the form of condiments (ketchup, mustard, BBQ sauce, mayo).  I rarely eat beans, sugar, or potatoes (they make me feel funky) and never eat dairy (I've finally come to terms with me lactose-intolerance).
Don't you exercise?
Because of my work and family obligations, I don't get a lot of "me time" to exercise.  I do take long walks around my neighborhood on the weekends I don't have the kids and I sometimes go hiking when I have the time and energy.  Most weeks, my exercise routine centers around chasing after my kids and tossing my 35+ lbs son around.  ;-)

What is your food budget like?
 I typically  spend $200 to $225 on food each month.  This does not include toiletries, diapers/pull-ups, or any other "non-edible" items you find at the grocery store.
How do you feed yourself and two growing kids on that???
Sales, price comparison, and sheer determination.  ;-)  Funny story: I was standing in line at the local Safeway when I overheard the woman in front of me complain to her companion about how hard it was to feed herself, her husband, and her two year-old on $100/week.  I almost cried at the thought of having double my current food budget to feed the three of us...
How do you keep track of prices?
I used to keep track of it all in my head but as motherhood and stress zapped my brain power, I decided it was time to create a price book.  I tried various paper and computer versions but nothing was successful - it's usually helpful if you remember to take the book with you when you go to the store.  ;-)  Thankfully, I discovered a cool iphone app, called PriceBook, that does it all for me.  Don't you just love technology???
Do you write at any other blogs or websites?
As of Feb 2011, I write and edit another site - OnMyOwnParenting.  I also participate at a few other sites now and again.
I have an idea for your blog.  How can I contact you?
There are two ways to contact me:
  1. Use the "Contact Me!" page on my business website or
  2. Email me at anita.keller.writer@gmail.com
I heard you're a freelance writer - I'm looking for a writer...are you available?
I am always on the lookout for new writing opportunities.  You can review my portfolio and a list of services I provide by visiting my business website. While there, you can use the Contact Me! form to send me an email.  I usually respond within 24 hours.

If you have a question that you'd like answered on this page, please feel free leave it in the comment section below.  Anne

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